Will the Street Department pick up my tree limbs?

The street department will not pick up tree limbs from private property. However, tree limbs and other yard waste may be dropped of at the Rogers Recycling Center located at 2300 N Arkansas Street.  You must be a City of Rogers resident and have a current water bill. You may drop off any debris that grows in your yard. This includes trees, limbs, leaves, grass shrubs etc. Material not accepted are: lumber, plywood, building materials or yard waste contaminated with trash. Occasionally, only after a severe storm that produces a significant amount of damage to vegetation within Rogers, the Street Department will pick up tree limbs placed curbside. The City will publicize this pickup through the website and social media outlets.

Yard Waste Disposal

Show All Answers

1. How can I be notified of street closings?
2. How do I report a street light outage?
3. Will the Street Department pick up my tree limbs?
4. Who do I notify if a ditch or detention pond needs to be mowed or cleaned of debris?
5. Who do I contact to report a pothole, street sign maintenance, traffic signal or use of the street sweeper?
6. Are some roads not maintained by the Street Department?
7. How do I find out about snow/ice removal?
8. There is a dead animal on the side of the road. How does it get removed?
9. Will the City trim or cut down my tree?
10. Am I responsible for maintaining the easement or right-of-way in my yard?