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City Council Votes to Cancel Western Portion of
Annexation Election

The Rogers City Council has voted to cancel the western portion of the annexation election. 

In a special meeting on November 10th, City Council voted to repeal the ordinance calling for a special election for the annexation of land west of Highway 112. 

The Bentonville annexation of 39 properties in the annexation area has created a situation that makes the provision of city services nearly impossible for this area. 

“This annexation was originally brought forward to help plan for future growth, road improvements, and water services. With the new city boundaries, the Rogers annexation would create more problems than solutions. I hope that Bentonville can commit to serving this entire area,” Rogers Mayor Greg Hines said. 

The election will continue for the land East of Highway 112. Voters in Rogers will still see two questions on the ballot. However, the ballot question for the Western section will not be counted.

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