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Rogers Water Utilities: Scheduled Water Line Work For July 3rd

Rogers Water Utilities will be installing a new 12" valve and fire hydrant on an existing 12" water line on East Walnut Street. Construction will begin on Monday, July 3 at 8:00am.

This construction has been coordinated around the Tyson facility holiday shutdown.  Water will not be shut off until the line is fully exposed. The shutdown will take place from 9am-11am. Sections of C, B, E Walnut, Spring, Allen, Peal, Electric, and Crescent Streets will be affected. 

The attached map shows the areas that will be affected for a short amount of time.  RWU anticipates that the water service will be off no longer than 2 hrs.  Construction will take most of the day. No roads will be closed, but minimal delays should be expected. See the below map for areas affected. 
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