Peddler Permit

All door-to-door sales located within the City of Rogers require a permit. Details about the permit are found below.  Peddlers Permits may be obtained at the front desk of City Hall (301 West Chestnut).

According to city ordinances, "peddler" means a person who engages in the business of selling goods, wares, or merchandise of any description other than articles grown, produced, or manufactured by the seller himself or herself or by those in his or her employ, and sold by going from house to house or place to place, either by land or water, to sell them.

Before engaging in his or her business, a peddler shall:

1) Pay a licensing fee
    Per day: $10.00
    Per week: $30.00
    Per month: $75.00

2) Provide valid government identification to the City Clerk

Before a peddler goes from door-to-door to make contact with occupants of more than one residence, he or she shall:

1) Obtain a copy of the no-knock list from the City Clerk 

2) Notify the Rogers Police Department of the dates, times, and locations of the intended areas of contact 

Read entire city ordinances regarding peddlers, solicitation and the no-knock list.