Testing Process

The Testing Process to become an officer at the Rogers Police Department has three major components: a written exam, a physical agility test, and two oral interviews. You must pass each event to be able to proceed to the next component of the testing process.

Candidates who fail any portion of the selection process are disqualified, however,you may re-test one other time during the calendar year.

  1. Written Exam
  2. Physical Agility Test
  3. Oral Interview

The written exam is designed to test general knowledge. The exam consists of problem solving, reading comprehension, writing ability, mathematics, and an attitude and personality component.

The National Criminal Justice Officer Selection Inventory (NCJOSI) was developed as an alternative to conventional law enforcement and correctional officer written entrance examinations and includes both a cognitive (problem solving) component and an attitude/personality (criminal justice officer orientation) component.

If you wish to purchase a study guide, they are available at http://www.publicsafetyrecruitment.com. Click Study Guides, then Law Enforcement Study Guides. You may choose either the Enhanced Edition National Criminal Justice Officer Selection Inventory Study Guide with practice exam, or the Standard Edition National Criminal Justice Officer Selection Inventory Study Guide.